Emotional Abstracts
Seeking inspiration from the work of famous artists like Howard Hodgkin and Mark Rothko, discover how colour and painted marks can be used to symbolise a feeling or subject. Children will select and mix colours to represent feeling warm or cold and experiment with expressive marks, painting freely, painting in layers, and blending colours to create ‘abstract expressionistic’ art. Each child names their painting, and by adding a frame* and a gallery style label; this workshop enables children to identify and value their own work, with that found in an Art Gallery.
Age: 5+
Duration: 60 – 90mins
Options: The workshop can focus on specific emotions or more in-depth topics. Paint the feeling of ‘chilling’ with friends, the sun on your face or dancing to a favourite song.
* The frame is a made from gold mirror card to represent a gallery frame.
Booking Enquiry